Hello Support Team,
It has come to my attention that we can no longer access the Support Ticket that we opened on the 7th of May.
Topic title: Request for Refund: Double Charge on Agency Subscription
Topic URL: https://rankmath.com/my-account/?uid=1298166&altoken=25b14980bb940538dfa8e4fdf4fb8bac&rm_redirect_to=https%3A%2F%2Fsupport.rankmath.com%2Fticket%2Frequest-for-refund-double-charge-on-agency-subscription%2F%3Fview%3DallAs we can see here in our account, our Agency plan was already cancelled. However, we haven’t received any refund yet from both plans that were cancelled.
I humbly ask you to assist us on this matter.
Looking forward to hearing from you. Thank you.
The ticket ‘Request for Refund: Cancelled Agency Plans’ is closed to new replies.