
  • Resolved Anonymous
    Rank Math free

    wp-admin-bar-rank-math-no-follow can you tell me if the code below is correct. it says no follow and noindex i am just wondering if that is correct or should i be changing this. and if i should change it, how do i do it

    href=”#pillar_content”>As Pillar Content<li id=”wp-admin-bar-rank-math-no-index” class=”mark-page-as”>As NoIndex<li id=”wp-admin-bar-rank-math-no-follow” class=”mark-page-as”>As NoFollow</div><li id=”wp-admin-bar-rank-math-third-party” class=”menupop”><span class=”wp-admin-bar-arrow” aria-hidden=”true”></span>External Tools<div class=”ab-sub-wrapper”><ul role=”menu” id=”wp-admin-bar-rank-math-third-party-default” class=”ab-submenu”><li id=”wp-admin-bar-rank-math-google-pagespeed”>Google PageSpeed<li id=”wp-admin-bar-rank-math-google-richresults-mobile”>Google Rich Results (Mobile)<li id=”wp-admin-bar-rank-math-google-richresults-desktop”>Google Rich Results (Desktop)<li id=”wp-admin-bar-rank-math-google-cache”>Google Cache<li id=”wp-admin-bar-rank-math-fb-debugger”>Facebook Debugger<li id=”wp-admin-bar-rank-math-rich-pins”>Rich Pins Validator</div></div><li id=”wp-admin-bar-our_support_item”>Theme support<li id=”wp-admin-bar-td_live_css_css_writer”>Live CSS<li id=”wp-admin-bar-tdc_edit”>Edit with TagDiv Composer<span class=”td-mobile-title”><svg version=”1.1″ xmlns=”; viewBox=”0 0 1536 1024″><path d=”M1518.592 537.6l-494.592 460.8c-8.192 8.192-25.6 17.408-43.008 17.408-16.384 0-25.6-9.216-41.984-17.408l-171.008-171.008-179.2 171.008c-8.192 8.192-25.6 17.408-43.008 17.408-16.384 0-25.6-9.216-41.984-17.408l-486.4-460.8c-25.6-17.408-25.6-51.2 0-68.608l494.592-451.584c8.192-9.216 17.408-17.408 33.792-17.408 17.408 0 25.6 8.192 43.008 17.408l179.2 161.792 179.2-161.792c8.192-9.216 25.6-17.408 43.008-17.408 16.384 0 25.6 8.192 41.984 17.408l495.616 451.584c16.384 17.408 16.384 51.2-9.216 68.608zM1288.192 486.4l-272.384-256c-9.216-8.192-9.216-8.192-17.408-8.192s-17.408 0-17.408 8.192l-425.984 392.192-137.216-118.784 230.4-214.016-84.992-59.392c0-8.192-8.192-8.192-17.408-8.192-8.192 0-16.384 0-16.384 8.192l-273.408 256c-17.408 8.192-17.408 25.6-8.192 33.792l272.384 256c9.216 9.216 9.216 9.216 17.408 9.216s17.408 0 17.408-9.216l425.984-392.192 128 119.808-221.184 204.8 76.8 67.584c8.192 9.216 8.192 9.216 16.384 9.216 9.216 0 17.408 0 17.408-9.216l273.408-256c25.6-8.192 25.6-25.6 16.384-33.792z” fill=”%23fff”></path></svg> Edit</span><li id=”wp-admin-bar-tdc_page_mobile_template” class=”pageid-134810″><span class=”td-mob-page-before” style=”margin-right:10px;”>Mobile page</span>independent News – mobile<ul role=”menu” id=”wp-admin-bar-top-secondary” class=”ab-top-secondary ab-top-menu”><li id=”wp-admin-bar-search” class=”admin-bar-search”><div class=”ab-item ab-empty-item” tabindex=”-1″ role=”menuitem”><form action=”; method=”get” id=”adminbarsearch”><input class=”adminbar-input” name=”s” id=”adminbar-search” type=”text” value maxlength=”150″ /><label for=”adminbar-search” class=”screen-reader-text”>Search</label><input type=”submit” class=”adminbar-button” value=”Search” /></form></div><li id=”wp-admin-bar-my-account” class=”menupop with-avatar”>Hi, <span class=”display-name”>Maria Walker</span><div class=”ab-sub-wrapper”><ul role=”menu” aria-label=”Hi, Maria Walker” id=”wp-admin-bar-user-actions” class=”ab-submenu”><li id=”wp-admin-bar-user-info”><span class=”display-name”>Maria Walker</span><span class=”username”>Vintage68</span><span class=”display-name edit-profile”>Edit Profile</span><li id=”wp-admin-bar-logout”>Log Out</div> </div>

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  • Hello,

    Thank you for contacting us and bringing your concern to our attention.

    Rank Math offers a No Index and No Follow option in the admin menu bar, which could show up in the page’s source code when logged in so this code is correct.

    The actual Noindex and Nofollow tags will be added like this: <meta robots="nofollow, noindex">

    Hope that helps and please don’t hesitate to let us know if you have any other questions.
    Thank you.

    Rank Math free

    can you let me know if the above code is correct or should it be dofollow


    The code you shared is the HTML markup of the page when you view its source code when you are logged in.

    Please note that there’s no such thing as a dofollow link. They don’t exist but it’s an easy way to refer to a link that simply does not have the rel=nofollow attribute applied to it. You can read more about it here:

    So it is correct.

    We hope that helps.

    Thank you.


    Since we did not hear back from you for 15 days, we are assuming that you found the solution. We are closing this support ticket.

    If you still need assistance or any other help, please feel free to open a new support ticket, and we will be more than happy to assist.

    Thank you.

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The ticket ‘noindex’ is closed to new replies.